Hanging wedding cake

30th August 2014 1 min read

Last week I delivered a wedding cake to a venue I have been to many times before. This venue is beautiful and well organised, the wedding cake table is always ready for me when I go and I was very surprised last week to arrive at the venue and couldn't see the table anywhere. I asked a member of staff and she pointed to the rather cavernous ceiling and said "it's there".

My initial reaction was that she was joking and I asked again where the cake table was, she replied "it's up there" and again pointed to the ceiling. Well this seemed rather odd but as I looked skyward I could see a table suspended from the rafters. Another member of staff then pushed a button on the wall and down came the table.

As I watched it's precarious descent I began to worry about the safety of my cake, was this for real.

Well I set up the cake on the table after many assurances that it would be perfectly safe and watched as it disappeared back up to the ceiling.

An array of fireworks were strapped to the bottom of the table and as the cake is being lowered for the bride and groom to cut, the fireworks are set off. I think it must look absolutely spectacular to see your cake being lowered from the ceiling with fireworks exploding all around it.

I am happy to say the cake survived and the bride loved her cake.

I took some pictures of the cake going skyward but haven't prepared them as yet for my blog. I will add them soon, this picture is the cake before it left my bakery.