Hanging chandelier wedding cake

3rd June 2014 1 min read

Is this the first chandelier wedding cake in Manchester?

When my client asked if I made hanging wedding cakes my initial reaction was "What on Earth". However I googled hanging cakes and found that in the USA they are becoming very popular and looking at the pictures of them I became really enthusiastic, they are amazing. The next question was how do I make it?

After a considerable amount of time researching it I found a company in the USA who supply the stands and I ordered it and waited. I paid extra for express delivery but it got held up in the main post office in Manchester for 2 weeks, no one could tell me where it was and when I would get it. It was very frustrating and it arrived only just in time for the wedding.

Most cakes I make can be assembled before hand to make sure it looks good etc. this one, however, could only be assembled at the venue so I wasn't able to picture the finished result before the day.

We set off early to the venue, good job, because we sat in a traffic jam for 1 hour and when we got there it was full steam ahead to get the cake set up and ready before the guests arrived.

The cake came together beautifully, it looked stunning, people were amazed and I wish I had a better camera to capture it properly.

Please visit my facebook page and let me know what you think of it.