Crystal wedding cakes

21st June 2014 1 min read

I began making the crystal wedding cakes just over a year ago and they have been incredibly popular. The initial investment in the cake stands was very high. They are not produced in this country and after much research I was able to locate a manufacturer in the USA and had them shipped over here. I quickly realised that one set was not enough as they are booked out frequently and are not always brought back on time. I now have 3 sets and sometimes they are all booked out.

The week before last I made 2 crystal wedding cakes, last week I made 3 crystal wedding cakes, this week 2 and I get enquiries from all over the UK for them.

They look lovely, the pillars are lit and the light shines through the crystals. the cakes can be round or square and ususally in arrangements of 3 - 5 cakes, but can be up to10 for larger weddings. All designs work well with this presentation and can be adapted to match the colour theme of the wedding.